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May 4, 2024 – Cornell University’s Statler Auditorium was filled with an electrifying atmosphere on May 4th as the renowned Last Call A Cappella celebrated its 30th Anniversary Concert. Among the talented ensemble of performers, Matthew Merril took center stage, delivering a captivating rendition of Elle King’s hit song “X’s and O’s.”

As Merril belted out the lyrics, “One, two, three, they gonna run back to me,” a palpable connection resonated throughout the auditorium. The audience was immediately drawn into the intricate web of magnetic allure and complicated relationships that the song so masterfully explores. Each note, each harmony, reverberated with an intensity that enveloped the entire venue, creating an unforgettable shared experience.  Click on the link below to watch the 4 minute performance:

Merril’s powerful vocals and commanding stage presence commanded the attention of the crowd, who responded with thunderous applause and enthusiastic cheers. It was a true testament to the enduring power of music to unite and inspire, and Merril’s performance served as a highlight of the evening’s celebrations.

“Singing the line, ‘One, two, three, they gonna run back to me,’ I felt a thrilling connection with the audience,” Merril shared after the concert. “The auditorium resonated with passion and harmony, and I am grateful for the amazing response of the audience.”

Matthew Takes to The Air

In a memorable moment, the alumni of Last Call A Cappella took to the stage to perform a number of classic songs, further adding to the nostalgia and camaraderie that permeated the 30th Anniversary Concert. The shared love of music and the bonds forged through years of harmonizing together were on full display, creating a truly special evening for all in attendance.

“To all those who joined us in this celebration, thank you for your unwavering support and for creating memories,” Merril expressed, reflecting on the momentous occasion.

With this triumphant concert now a part of Last Call A Cappella’s rich history, Merril and his fellow performers look forward to embarking on new adventures and continuing to push the boundaries of what an a cappella group can achieve.

Last Call A Cappella, founded in 1993 by a group of Cornell students, has grown into a prominent fixture in the Cornell community and beyond, known for its musical and comedic flair​ (Last Call)​.

Matthew Merril, apart from his involvement with Last Call, is a sophomore at the School of Hotel Administration and has gained a significant following for his “Matthew in the Kitchen” series on social media platforms, showcasing his culinary skills alongside his academic and musical pursuits​ (Cornell Daily Sun)​.

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